Boudoir Photography is the Ultimate Gift to Yourself

Now that Halloween is over and we are heading into the holidays, many of you have gift-giving on your minds. While giving tokens of affection to your loved ones is undeniably enjoyable, it’s worth pointing out the one person who may seldom be on the receiving end of your generosity. 

I’m talking about yourself.

Frequently, I emphasize that a boudoir session creates a significant gift for your partner but is also an exceptional present to give to yourself. Let me explain a few reasons why.

It improves your body image

Photography By Krisleen

Body Image, a peer-reviewed scientific journal, published a study that reports individuals who had boudoir photos taken had a 25% reduction in negative thoughts about their bodies. The Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy shared research that 72% of their participants had an improved sense of body image after their boudoir experience. I love reading about these studies, but it really just confirms what I already know. 

I’ve experienced this phenomenon over and over myself as timid clients shyly disrobe, warning me about all their “flaws” and end up strutting around in their undies within a couple of hours. I look at their facial expressions and posture change instantly when I show them a photo I just took on my camera. No editing, no tweaking… just their body the way it is. Boudoir is a powerful tool! 

It’s a way to celebrate yourself

Photography By Krisleen

Birthdays, graduations and holidays give you plenty of opportunities to celebrate other people, but when do you celebrate yourself? You are important too! Boudoir is a tangible way of saying, “I accept myself just the way I am.” You don’t have to wait until your skin, hair, teeth and body are someone else’s version of “perfect”… you’re already worth celebrating right now.

Boudoir is a unique way to celebrate yourself because it is an entirely personal experience and tailored to your own version of self-expression. It’s an opportunity to wear beautiful clothing, treat yourself to professional hair and makeup and strike captivating poses for one, sole reason… that you are inherently worth it.

It increases your self-confidence 


Photography By Krisleen

Even though our media is making attempts at showcasing bodies of all shapes and sizes, the beauty “standard” is still not the normal body. We might understand on a logical level that “all bodies are beautiful” but when we’re faced, day in and day out, with images of flawless size 6 bodies it creates an internal conflict that is hard to resolve.

Having captivating images of yourself, looking beautiful, strong and sensual, can create a powerful sense of self-confidence. When you’re in line at the grocery store and see a magazine cover featuring a stunning woman, you will remember that you have equally stunning images of yourself. This combats the “me vs them” mentality and fosters a sense of empowerment that’s hard to beat. 

As we are shifting into this season of gift-giving let’s remember the one person who often gets overlooked… ourselves. Let’s lavish ourselves with the gifts and expressions of self-love that we deserve. I’m here to help you on this journey and can’t wait to watch you blossom with power and confidence. 

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